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A Christmas of solidarity in Strasbourg
Workshops, outings and concerts
Strasbourg aime ses étudiant·es
6 December from 6pm to 7pm: workshop on making household products
At the Marché Off, place Griemmeisen
CROUS of Strasbourg
- On 06 December at midday, your Restos U' Paul Appell and Esplanade are offering free mulled wine, spiced cake and clementines.
- From 12 to 14 December, your Restos U' are ready to delight you with special Christmas menus! We can't wait!
Opera arias concerts at HEAR
1 and 2 December 2023 from 7pm to 8pm
Cité de la Musique et de la Danse
Admission is free without reservation, subject to availability.
Please arrive 20 minutes before the start of the concert.
All the information on the following link.
Concert by Pelicanto, the LGBTQ+ Choir of Alsace
Concert by Pelicanto, the LGBTQ+ Choir of Alsace
02 December at 4.30pm
Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain, 1 place Hans Jean Arp - 67000 Strasbourg
Conducted by Mathilde Mertz, the choir explores a demanding pop-rock repertoire, from the dazzling strains of Freddie Mercury to the dark chords of Radiohead.
Free admission.
For further information, click here.
Concert by the Orchestre d'Harmonie Hipso Facto
03 December at 5pm
Sainte Aloise Church - Strasbourg
End-of-year concert featuring cartoon and video game heroes.
Free admission subject to availability.
More information on the event's Facebook page here.
Concerts by the Strasbourg University Orchestra
Concerts on the theme of "Glorious destinies"
- Thursday 7 December at 8pm at the Cité de la Musique et de la Danse, 1 Pl. Dauphine in Strasbourg.
- Friday 8 December at 8pm at the Palais des Fêtes, rue Sellénick, Strasbourg.
- Tuesday 12 December at 8pm at the Eglise Saint-Guillaume, 1 rue Munch, Strasbourg.
Free admission, no booking required.
For further information, click here.
Solidarity actions
La fédération du Bas-Rhin du Secours populaire
- December 7th and 8th
At the Halles shopping centre
Book fairs on the following themes: children's literature, novels, cookery, etc.
- 10 December from 8.30am: "Journée Bonheur Noël" for Strasbourg students only
Registrations are made at the office of the University's Mission Solidarité at the Ensemble Saint-Georges (47 Av. de la Forêt-Noire, 67000 Strasbourg) on presentation of a student card. The time slots are as follows:
- Wednesdays 29 November and 6 December from 10am to 12pm;
- Fridays 1 and 8 December from 12 noon to 2pm.
A solidarity contribution of €2 is required on registration.
For further information, students can contact the association at
Regards solidaires
Every Saturday from 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
Association des résidents de l'Esplanade, Strasbourg, 10 rue Ankara, 67000 Strasbourg
The association distributes baskets of organic fruit and vegetables to students in difficulty.
Please register before each Thursday of the distribution week.Click here to sign up.
Find all their news on their facebook page here.
Équipage solidaire
30 November and 7, 14 and 21 December, 5-8pm
At the Marché Off, Place Griemmeisen
Visit the student solidarity space in front of the Halles du Marché Off (Place Griemeissen) and find out about their various projects to combat student poverty, including :
- Dressed, a 100% free clothing shop for young people in difficulty
- Delivraide , the first platform for delivering 100% free food kits and hygiene products to students in difficulty.
Meet the volunteers and take part in activities and games on student well-being.
The student association Cop1 offers a weekly food distribution for students. To do so, you must first register via the COP1 website here. You'll find all the information you need there.
The association is also offering a programme of cultural activities and workshops for the end of the year. More information to come on their Instagram account here.
Download their Christmas programme here: Programme Noel.pdf (pdf - 627 KB)
Practical info
- Find out more about the Christmas Market, the diary, recipes and lots of practical information on the city's dedicated website here.
- For a different kind of Christmas with local players in responsible purchasing, visit the Marché Off website here.
- University restaurants and Crous services will be closed during the holidays! Visit the Crous website soon for more information, or in the meantime check out the dedicated calendar!!
"Vibrons de tout coeur."
"Let's vibrate with all our hearts."