Asset Publisher
Informations of June for students
Mutual aid and networking platform for the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg: food aid and toher from residents for students in difficulty.
Possibility to buy 1 or 2 meals for 1 € in all Restos U ’, as well as partner restaurants, such as Stift, Fec and Ort. You must have activated your Izly account (virtual wallet) to be able to benefit from these € 1 meals: The opening hours and details for enjoying these € 1 meals are available here:
Distribution by Secours populaire on Wednesday 2 June, 16 June, 30 June and 14 July, 1pm to 4pm at the Palais Universitaire, on presentation of student ID and a 2€ contribution. Remember to bring your own bags to carry fresh and frozen food more info on
Free distributions on presentation of the student card by the Afges at the Minotaure (Gallia stop, 1 quai du Maire Dietrich) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m on Wednesday, June 9. And 24., July 8. and 22. and August 5. and 19.
Afges also manages solidarity grocery stores, Agoraé, to find out if you can benefit from it, see this page:
Distribution by Secours populaire on Saturday 21 May from 1pm to 4pm at the Esplanade sports centre (access 5 rue du Jura), on presentation of proof of student status and a contribution of 2€. Don't forget to bring your bags to carry fresh and frozen food. More information on
Students can access free environmentally friendly sanitary protection dispensers. These dispensers are in place at the SSU and in all university residences.
A new sanitary protection dispenser will soon be available at the MUI (International University House).
The association Le Parcours proposes the operation "Confidence and self-esteem". From 17 May to 31 July, haircuts/brushes are 1€ for men and 2€ for women on presentation of a student card; 40 Rue de la Doller, 67000 Strasbourg. All info here.
The restaurant La Table de la Cathédrale offers a home-made burger + fresh fries for 1€ every Wednesday and Friday lunchtime until the end of June on presentation of a student card,
6 place de la grande boucherie, 67000 Strasbourg.
Further information on the actions of solidarity structures on
The health university service is open. Free general medical consultations are organised.
It is possible for students with disability to make an appointment with the Service de la vie universitaire-Mission handicap by email: More info here.
The medical-psychological reception centre of the University of Strasbourg (CAMUS) offers students with psychological difficulties consultations by appointment without advance payment with a psychologist or a psychiatrist, consultation possible by teleconsultation. To contact: or 03.88.521.551. More information:
Santé Psy Étudiants, a new system that allows you to benefit from free-of-charge sessions with a psychologist, cf.
Who are the partner psychologists? List on
Useful tips, as well as information about the various support services in english available on
For young people aged 12 to 25, Santé publique France offers a dedicated platform, Fil Santé Jeunes, an anonymous and free service, which also has a helpline, 0 800 235 236, which is accessible every day.
18 Rescue relay students are available to listen to students experiencing difficulties on the various campuses of the University, but also in the associated institutions: ENGEES, ENSAS, HEAR, INSA.
Cité relay students are present in all the Cités U in Alsace. Their contact details are available here.
Do not hesitate to contact a social worker of the Crous de Strasbourg in case of financial difficulties, by e-mail. Enclosing your school certificate, your mobile phone number and the reason for the request. In case of emergency: 03 88 21 28 48.
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) and the CROUS have set up a special hotline for students experiencing financial difficulties to find out information: 0 806 000 278 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, price of a local call, not surcharged).
Difficulty accessing the Internet? Get a free SIM card by writing to
Transportation: you can still rent a Vélhop at the student rate (42€ or 10€ for scholarship students for the rest of the university year) see
New version of the CTS mobile application to buy your tickets, find out about timetables, get traffic alerts, find a itinerary, etc. Available on all Android and iOS smartphones. And find many more features on .
From Tuesday 4 May 2021,reception desks without appointment, run by civic service agents from the Caisse d'Allocations Familliales du Bas-Rhin, will enable the public to be assisted with their dematerialised procedures at the administrative centre (1 Parc de l'Étoile, 67076 Strasbourg Cedex), Tuesday and Friday from 9am to 12pm and Wednesday and Thursday from 2pm to 5pm.
Are you between 18 and 25 years old and would like to go on holiday? Once a year, the Agence Nationale pour les Chèques-Vacances (French National Holiday Vouchers Agency) allows you to benefit from financial aid by choosing your destination: and especially .
The Grand Est Region is proposing, via its Jeun'est programme, a contribution to help students go back to classes. You can get financial aid of €50 for one night in a partner hotel between 4 May and 30 June 2021. Offer limited to the first 2000 users. Information here.
The Eurometropole of Strasbourg offers a financial aid of 300€ to help students to pay their rent or their energy costs (under certain conditions). Online application form at demarches.strasbourg. eu/exceptional-help-for-students.
Info Jeunes Grand Est offers you 14 days of housing information! What solutions exist for you? What help can you get? All your questions will be answered! Visit the Info Jeunes Grand Est portal and social networks from 21 June to 2 July.
Libraries of the University of Strasbourg (BU Unistra)
Open by appointment, computers available on site. A good place to study and get help. All the info:
Strasbourg National University Library (BNU)
Also open by appointment (via Affluences) with computer stations available on site – new: free registrations for all students! Hours: Monday to Saturday: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday: 2 p.m. to 9 p.m (change to closure at 7pm starting on March 29)
Strasbourg City and Eurometropolis libraries
Open, possible to borrow / return documents, withdraw reservations, register. Closes at 5.30 p.m.: more info:
La cabanne des créateurs offers students to share their co-working spaces (with access to Wi-Fi, computers and a printer): 10 places per day open by reservation (mail to, tel. 03 88 81 14 83). The place is open from 9 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday, at 1 place de la Gare, 67300 Schiltigheim.
On the occasion of the opening of La Pousse in Strasbourg (located at 4 rue de Londres in Strasbourg): one day of nomadic coworking is offered between 1 June and 30 September upon presentation of a valid proof of student status. To take advantage of this offer, book your day by sending your request by email to Futher information.
On you will find useful information and links to platforms listing job vacancies, such as Jobaviz of the Crous, of the University or of the City & Eurometropolis of Strasbourg.
On, useful links and info on internships. On the City & Eurometropolis Platform, there are still around 40 internships to be filled (put “internship” under the keywords to consult them, and then to apply, create an account on My Strasbourg).
The "Un jeune, une solution" plan, launched in 2020 by the State, aims to offer a solution to each young person: hiring aid, training, support, financial aid for young people in difficulty.
The "Un jeune, un mentor" programme aims to increase the number of young people who benefit from the support of a mentor (student, practising professional or retired), during their school career, in their choice of orientation or in the professional integration phase. The mentor makes his or her experience and networks available for a few hours per month.
For professional advice and experience sharing in your field, get sponsored through the online sponsorship service of the University of Strasbourg's Alumni network which works for professional mutual support between students and graduates.
All information:
Become a volunteer and find assignments in a few clicks near you or at home:
The student association AFEV is looking for 40 civic service volunteers for the year 21/22. This is a good way for students to get involved, to have a first experience in the professional world, and to get an allowance.
Are you interested in civic service? Find out everything about what a civic service is, the different forms, the missions, the remuneration, etc on Etudiant.gouv website.
Citizen participation: lots of information to get informed and/or participate in citizen initiatives in the city of Strasbourg or the Eurometropole.
Conference on the future of Europe: multilingual digital platform to collect your opinion on the Europe of tomorrow.
Student associations (like Afges, Afev, Esn Strasbourg) continue to maintain links with students and to offer online activities to accompany you, inform, entertain ..., more information on their websites or facebook pages, Discord…
Performance by the Jeune ballet universitaire de Strasbourg (JBUS) "Rendez-vous manqués - KontaktOn": 23 and 24 June with two performances per evening: one at 6.30 p.m. and the other at 9 p.m.
Free concert of the brass ensemble of the Orchestre d'Harmonie des Jeunes de Strasbourg (OHJS) on 25 June at 7.30 pm at the church of Saint Pierre le Jeune in Strasbourg. On the programme: works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Giovanni Gabrieli, Giuseppe Verdi, Handel Parker, Steven Verhelst, James M. Stephenson and Eric Whitacre.
The campus life service offers you a summer programme with activities, workshops and outings throughout June and July. Visit this link every Wednesday to register, week after week.
The Crous offers online activities as part of the initiative « Chill ton Crous », open to all and free. Information here.
Jardin des sciences is offering a brand new series of video capsules: "Portraits of scientists" to meet the actors and actresses of research. To be found from Monday 26 April at 3 pm on youtube.
From 2 June, the Jardin des sciences de l'Université de Strasbourg will reopen its museums only on Wednesdays outside school holidays: the Mineralogy Museum (1.30 pm to 6 pm) and the Seismology Museum (2.30 pm to 5.30 pm). Admission is free and no reservation is required. All information is available on their booking website: .
The Digital Culture Center (CCN) offers workshops and training (free!):
Some outdoor and indoor activities are possible with the Unistra Sports Service. The Sports Service also continues to offer online activities (pedagogical tutorials, physical practice sessions) on Ernest.
Many useful tips and links for students on GLUE - Garder le lien Unistra. You will also find the contacts of people in the university services who are there to help you.
Culture info & events on
Other important information (FAQ teaching, exams, internships, university vacations, etc. updated on April 8) related to the University of Strasbourg here.
Find the full programme of summer events proposed by the city: open-air cinemas, FARse Festival, the Symphony of the Arts, etc.
The 3rd edition of the Grenze starts on 19 May with concerts and DJ sets, a disco aperitif, massages, yoga, a bookshop and readings; rue Georges Wodli, on a former SNCF industrial site. All the programme here.
The Museums of the City of Strasbourg are free until until August 31st.
Free temporary exhibition of illustrations by Ariane Pinel: Dans la place.
It will take place from 5 June to 19 September at 5e Lieu (5 place du Château). All information on the facebook event here.
The European Parliament in Strasbourg is once again opening its doors to visitors. It is now possible to visit the Louise Weiss building and the Simone Veil Parliamentarium! For more information.
The Council of Europe invites you to its virtual visits, from your computer or your smartphone.
Strasbourg celebrates Olympism. The City of Strasbourg, which has been awarded the "Land of the Games" label in anticipation of Paris 2024, is organising a day dedicated to introductory sports activities on Saturday 26 June at several sites (Quai des Bateliers, Sainte-Madeleine bridge, palces du marché-aux-poissons and du Château) and with the support of sports clubs, with the possibility of trying out a number of Olympic disciplines: rowing, canoeing, skate-boarding, BMX, breakdance, archery, etc.
Quiz on the Olympics.
The Bibliothèques idéales (Ideal Libraries) will take place on 25, 26 and 27 June at the Opéra national du Rhin. All about the programme on the facebook event here.
Festival Démostratif from 29 June to 3 July on the Esplanade campus, Strasbourg: 110 artists gathered around 33 proposals: shows, concerts, exhibitions, performances, readings on the theme of sordid affairs... Free admission with reservations: Full programme at:
Jazz in the Parc des Contades from 13 June to 11 July: 5 concerts featuring jazz and improvised music with Kiosque en Musique, a Jazzdor programme, in partnership with the City of Strasbourg.
The film festival runs from Wednesday 30 June to Sunday 4 July with tickets at €4 for all.
Government’s gradual easing of Covid restrictions from 3 May (conditional on the health situation in each department). Information here:
Since 17 june 2021 : the end of the wearing of masks outdoors, except in exceptional cases (gatherings, queues, markets, stadiums, etc.). On the other hand, the wearing of masks in closed environments remains compulsory (companies, shops, transport...);
Since 20 June 2021: end of the curfew.
The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the public highway is prohibited from 10am to 11pm until 29 June inclusive in the communes of Strasbourg, Illkirch-Graffenstaden and Schiltigheim.
From 31 May 2021, vaccination will be extended to all adults without condition. All information on vaccination here:
Consult the map of screening locations near you, procedures, priority people, what to do at the first signs on the Agence Régoniale de la Santé's website.
More info on
General info from :
- the University of Strasbourg:
- the Crous de Strasbourg:
(Non-exhaustive information updated on 23 june , 2021)
Contact :