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European institutions in Strasbourg

European institutions in Strasbourg

Council of Europe

The Council of Europe is an intergovernmental organisation created on 5 May 1949 and composed of 46 countries. It has been based in the Palais de l'Europe since 1977 and works on the defence of human rights.
Did you know that?  It held its first meeting at the University Palace in Strasbourg in 1949. 

Read more about the Council of Europe here.

Iceland in the spotlight

Iceland holds the chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe until 17 May 2023.
To get to know the country better, events are planned.  Discover the programme here. 

Visit the Council of Europe

The Council of Europe does not offer individual visits, but there are several proposals for groups. Click here to make a virtual visit. 

Work at the COE

On the Council of Europe website, you can find job and internship offers in various fields. Consult their offers here. 

The European Parliament

The European Parliament is the parliamentary body of the European Union and is based in Strasbourg. This is where the monthly plenary sessions are held. 
Did you know that? The European Parliament in Strasbourg celebrated its 70th anniversary this year since its first assembly in 1952. 
More information about the European Parliament on the website.

Visit the European Parliament

It is possible to take a free individual tour without prior reservation. Individual visitors can follow the plenary from the gallery in the hemicycle and then visit the Simone Veil Parlamentarium. More informations here.

Doing an internship

If you would like to do an internship at the European Parliament,you can find all the information on how to apply here.

Le Lieu d’Europe

Le Lieu d'Europe is a project of the city of Strasbourg and its various partners. It is dedicated to education for European citizenship and is open to all. It offers various events (language café, exhibition, guided tour of the European district, ...). 
More information here.


Information Centre on European Institutions

The Information Centre on European Institutions is an information service of the European Union and offers several activities and awareness-raising actions: a resource centre, school activities, conferences, exhibitions, etc.
On their website, discover all the information you need to better understand the European institutions. More information here.

Other useful link, including the European Court of Human Rights: here.