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L'économie sociale et solidaire à Strasbourg

The Social and Solidarity Economy in Strasbourg

The Social and Solidarity Economy

37% of students say they are looking for meaning in their future job! The Social Solidarity Economy sector is attracting more and more young people in Europe: 2.8 million structures and enterprises in Europe and 13.6 million paid jobs in Europe. (Source: SSE Key Figures in France and Europe - National SSE Observatory, based on Insee Clap 2015).

But what is the Social and Solidarity Economy? It is a form of entrepreneurship whose objectives are to respond to societal challenges. SSE enterprises are found in all sectors of activity. They are differentiated simply by their mode of management in a wide variety of legal forms (mutuals, associations, cooperatives, foundations and integration enterprises).
To find out more about the SSE, visit the website of the Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy (CRESS) of the Grand Est region.

Event on Thursday 5 and 6 May: SOCIAL ECONOMY, THE FUTURE OF EUROPE

Strasbourg invites you to the event Social Economy, the future of Europe, where you will find: inspiring paths, a space dedicated to youth, conferences, workshops, professional meetings, debates between young people and elected officials. 
Location: Palais de la musique et des Congrès. Free of charge, on registration. 
More information.

Good plans for your daily life : 

Food - equipment
Think of shopping at markets or directly from local producers, via basket distributions (such as those offered by Campus Vert Strasbourg) or farm sales ("Mangeons local"). There are also shops where you can buy in bulk. 
And don't hesitate to check out structures that recycle fridges, kettles, telephones, computers, etc. (reuse), such as Envie or the Humanis collective, other solidarity purchases are also possible in Emmaus. 
To find out about all the responsible purchasing players, go to the Zig et Zag page.

Agoraé: social and solidarity grocery shop for students

The Agoraé is a social and solidarity grocery shop created by students for students in Strasbourg, located in the Gallia building. It offers food products at reduced prices, and even food aid for students in difficulty. The Agoraé also creates social links and offers prevention activities, awareness-raising on good eating habits and responsible consumption, as well as cultural activities. 
All the information on the AFGES.

New: the Agora'truck! This is the new mobile social and solidarity grocery shop for students on the decentralised campuses of the University of Strasbourg! More information. 
Local associations
If you want to meet new people, get involved, develop new skills (in organisation, communication...), join one of the many local associations, there is something for all tastes and interests in the student world or elsewhere.
All information on the website of the Maison des associations.
Kaleidoscoop is a new place dedicated to responsible purchasing which will open its doors at the beginning of the new school year on the COOP site in the Port du Rhin! It is a unique project in France and will bring together about fifteen structures alongside the CRESS to offer products and services, but also participative workshops to raise awareness of sustainable consumption. 
All information on Kaleidoscoop's website. 

And to follow all the news about the social and solidarity economy in Strasbourg, subscribe to their Facebook page!